How To Handle A DUI

12 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been accused of driving under the influence, then you might be pretty worried about your future. However, there are a variety of measures that you can take to mitigate the damaging effects of a DUI or even exonerate yourself completely. To help you handle your current predicament, here are some steps that you should consider:

Challenge Test Accuracy

One of the first things that you might want to consider is whether you can effectively challenge the accuracy of the test that was used to measure your blood alcohol content. In the event that no test was used, you essentially got very lucky and the state will have a very difficult time proving that you were actually under the influence.

Even if your test results said that you had more than 0.08% BAC, then you could have a solid argument for test inaccuracy. Of course, this does become less viable if the results are much higher than 0.08%, but you can make a convincing argument that the test was inaccurate for a number of reasons. Maybe the machine was calibrated incorrectly or confounding factors resulted in a BAC measurement that was grossly inaccurate.

Use a Lawyer

You will have the option of hiring a lawyer to assist in your defense, and it's a good idea to talk to one as soon as possible. The sooner you talk to a lawyer, the sooner they can explain exactly how you should act going forward. You don't want to accidentally slip up and admit to guilt, so you should follow the advice of your lawyer as much as possible.

By recounting the facts to your lawyer exactly as you remember, your lawyer might be able to provide you with some additional insight into your case. The police might have made some small error that seems innocuous, but could actually completely sabotage the DUI in court.

Use Plea Deals

In cases where the state has a convincing case, you might be offered the chance to take a plea deal. This will involve admitting guilt to a specific crime, but the punishment is often less severe than a full trial where you are found guilty. Plea deals are also an excellent chance to bargain your position and figure out exactly where you stand. While there are other factors in play, the plea deal that you are offered will give you a good idea of how confident the state is in their case.

The more they are willing to compromise, the weaker their case might be. In such a situation, you might want to press your luck and opt for a trial instead of a plea. Of course, your lawyer will be able to help you figure out the best course of action based on the information that is currently available.
