What You Should Know About Creating A Proper Adoption Autobiography

8 July 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you're pursuing your first adoption, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the process. Not only will you undergo a thorough background check, but you're also going to have to fill out a detailed application. Both factors are considered when deciding if you are qualified to adopt. Many people go into the process thinking that these two steps are all that's required. The truth is, there is much more to the adoption process than you'd think. You're also going to have to fill out an autobiography for the agency. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you start the autobiography for your chosen agency.

Ask About Required Content

Talk with the agency before you create the autobiography to find out if there is any information that's required of you in the autobiography. Some agencies ask for specific types of information, so you'll want to be sure that you cover those points as you draft your statement. You'll also want to be sure you have a civil attorney on retainer to help you evaluate this information to be sure that it is within the legal boundaries of what they can request.

Be Objective in Your Family Evaluation

A key part of your autobiography is going to be the overview of your family. Before you can create this overview, you're going to have to take a step back and evaluate your family as objectively as possible. Think about the things that make your family unique, including hobbies, traditions and personality traits. Identify a handful of things, about five or six, which clearly illustrate who your family is, and include them in your statement.

Represent Life in Your Home

You may want to include information about any cultural heritage, family traditions and even your long-term family goals. This part of the autobiography is designed to reach out to prospective birth parents and show them what kind of home you would provide for the child.

Consider including information about the space you have for the child. Perhaps show the prospective birth parents your commitment to family by explaining how you plan to make the child a welcome member of your family. If you're planning a welcome party or you have personalized space in your house for him or her, illustrate that now. The more you can show about what daily life will be like in the house, the more relatable the autobiography will be.

A well-organized, strong autobiography that represents your family well is a great way to set yourselves apart throughout the adoption process. It also helps to ensure that you are selected by a birth parent who values your lifestyle and personality. As with any legal situation, though, be sure that you have a family law attorney available to help you with the paperwork.

To learn more, contact a law office like Haslam & Perri LLP
