3 Tips To Help Navigate Divorce Mediation

24 June 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog

Ending a marriage is a big decision that requires a great deal of understanding, especially since divorce is a legal process. Fortunately, help is available if you are considering or currently in the process of divorce. Mediation, for example, can be a great way to end the marriage without spending an excessive amount of time in front of an actual judge. If you are considering mediation, here are a few things to know.

Set Realistic Goals

Depending on the reasons for divorcing, you and your spouse may have different emotions, which will show themselves during the mediation process. It is important that you set realistic goals on how you hope and expect mediation to go.

Make sure you understand the organization of your finances will be completely separate from the organization of your custody arrangements if you and your spouse share children. Do not confuse these imperative elements, since disagreements during mediation could to costly battles in court.

Decide which elements you cannot and will not live without once the divorce is finalized. Your spouse will also have their own limits. You may need to give a little to your spouse to ensure your limits are met/reached during the mediation. Make these elements known, ensuring the mediator and your spouse know you are not willing to settle on these specific issues.

While having realistic goals and guidelines in place is important, you also need to be opened minded and willing to compromise in certain areas.

Preparation Is Smart

It is smart to spend a good amount of time preparing for the initial stages of mediation. Preparation will involve a few tasks including organizing your thoughts and emotions. Remember that divorce is not only ending a physical and emotional relationship — it is also ending a financial relationship. Therefore, you should also organize your documents.

Gather essential documents that show proof of your assets and expenses. Bank statements, property records, bill statements, and even tax returns will all be helpful to have when you are in the midst of mediation.

Even if you and your spouse are in agreement about the divorce, you may struggle to compromise on different financial issues. Organizing your documents in advance of the mediation will ensure you are prepared for any compromises you need to make.

Questions are Helpful

No matter how well you THINK you understand the mediation, there may be some confusion. Before you agree on anything, ask questions to ensure you understand the agreements completely. If necessary, talk with the mediator and your attorney if you are unsure about any detail pertaining to your agreements.

For legal help with a divorce, contact a company like Cooper Levenson Attorneys At Law 
